Tuesday, 15 April 2008

Hoax Email

From my own life there is an example:
My wife recently received a message which described situation of a very ill child, and at the end:
"(..)If you post this message to at least 20 friends, that child will receive 1 zł (polish currency) for each send one. and You will receive newest ringtone(..)"
Then my wife asked me how to add those 20 adresses to forward this message.(she is new at internet, so dont laugh)
I asked her only three things about that message before telling her how to do that:
- Is there any adress, phone number, just anything to verify the authenticity of message?
- Is there a link to some real site providing ringtones which could prove that You will receive one?
- Ask a person which sended this message if he/she received something in reward.

And she deleted it after a while...

Yeah. Testing IS Life :)

This was added by me as a comment on:
which i digged recently

1 comment:

Sharath Byregowda said...

I could not locate your email ID, so posting as a comment.

I have put up an exercise in my blog, if interested testing with me, please let me know http://testtotester.blogspot.com/2008/04/black-box-test-puzzles.html

Please remove the comment if not appropriate