Monday, 10 August 2009

Team has new tool - Testlink

Decisions are made. Recently our HQ gave tester's team small present.
We have working instance of Testlink. There will be at last some order in maintaining testing documentation.
I hated Word/Excel design of test cases. It was often written, and dumped somewhere in product documentation stack. With word document filled with test cases and excel working as a test reporting tool, there was no order, and no exact way to report testing progress. After few builds, reporting was a mess.
With Testlink, connected to our bug tracker, I hope we make progress faster when it come to testing new products.
There will be no problem in maintaining scenarios for application build.

Before going to Testlink, i made some research on other tools, I also participated in beta program of Testuff for that purpose. I personally liked that second tool very much, but it costs lots of $$ for a little company with small testing team budget.
Testuff gui has "funny approach" for testing. Why not? Is bug a sad disaster? In my opinion, bug, found by a company's tester an occasion to celebrate. We found It!!! Not the customer :-)
I also have warm thoughts about Testuff team. So I wish them best regards and happy progress with their app. Great work guys!!!
Testlink gui, in comparison is very sad. Pointer as logo, "Shot that bug!"

But it is no gui, which makes good application. Both of those apps have its pros and cons.
Free vs Pay, Hosted vs Own network instance, etc, etc.

What i would miss in Testlink, and it was provided in Testuff? Test runner with screen shot and video recording capability. Video recording is a very useful thing while trying to prove bug existence.