Saturday, 11 October 2008

Sky crossroad

Who told that crossroads should stay on ground

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Me and my son. The best tester :)

Murphy's Law says that nothing is IdiotProof. I say It is possible to make something idiotproof, but nothing is CHILDproof. Our children are the best testers in the world :)

Friday, 9 May 2008

How error messages are important...

First of all, don't laugh

I had recently tested an app that I wanted to use for my testing purposes. I must add that this app has a Very well and Hard working Support Team. There was a bug which prevented using it in the right way. With help of the support with correcting the app and testing of it on my side, the bug was finally solved.

Back to the story:
This app had an option to establish connection with some bug trackers and report bugs there. But when I added my connection details to configuration and accepted, thre was an error displayed (with the same login data each time !!!) and connection didn't work:

"Can't Connect: Mantis returned an recognized response"
" Can't Connect: Wrong usermane or password"
" Can't Connect: Connection reset by peer" (here is the short wersion, I don't remember all text displayed there)

Don't you think that it is confusing? Three messages but nothing was changed in config!!! Like random ones.

Nobody knew what caused such errors. After I contacted support, I was asked to add an account in mantis for them. It occured that they can connect and report bugs without any problem, so it had to be something on my side.
I tried disabling security (firewall, antyviral software), starting with clean startup (without any third party apps. Problem still occured.
Next I tried to launch the app on other machine, still the same.
I was so desperate
But Hey!!! Why the support could connect? even one of my QA friends could!!!
Next thing I did was installing another instance of Mantis on my machine and connect to it from localhost, all things were default. And It WORKED!!! Connection worked also from other machine to mine (after opening port in firewall)

But it couldn't be firewall issue becouse the company mantis was visible from all internet by web browser, and the app used the same port to communicate with it.

I compared the default account, the support's one and mine... The problem was, that in profile there were by default disabled options, which I had turned on in mine.

But the error messages did not say that, nor the manual.

I think that even errors Should (!!!) say what's wrong.
And I personally Hate errors like " Unrecognized error (press abort, retry, continue, cancel, ok etc...)

Testing is LIFE...

Addition... now the bug is fixed, and even manual is updated with issue of default options in mantis. There are some new bugs to be fixed, and new bugs to be found... but that is theme for another story...

Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Testing Routine

I read somewhere that best practice is to test something once, have a break and test again.
Today this saying occured as truth.
Yesterday I have tested a functionality of an app, and haven't spotted few bugs wchich I found today.
My grandpa was right, when he said: Tomorrow will bring new opportunities.

Tuesday, 15 April 2008

Hoax Email

From my own life there is an example:
My wife recently received a message which described situation of a very ill child, and at the end:
"(..)If you post this message to at least 20 friends, that child will receive 1 zł (polish currency) for each send one. and You will receive newest ringtone(..)"
Then my wife asked me how to add those 20 adresses to forward this message.(she is new at internet, so dont laugh)
I asked her only three things about that message before telling her how to do that:
- Is there any adress, phone number, just anything to verify the authenticity of message?
- Is there a link to some real site providing ringtones which could prove that You will receive one?
- Ask a person which sended this message if he/she received something in reward.

And she deleted it after a while...

Yeah. Testing IS Life :)

This was added by me as a comment on:
which i digged recently

Bug Diary

Hello Again
It is quite a time from my begining as a tester.
I've become a tester by accident, but it was the best acident in my whole life.
I've tested some apps, developed by my company and in the meantime read and learn alot.
The most valuable blogs, that I came across, I have listed here. To find them myself faster and for You to find them too.
I found those people have Huge knowledge about testing.

I also learn lot from my more experienced friends, at work.

When i was reading blog by Mr
Pradeep Soundararajan i came across his xls file called "Personal Bug Diary". I admire that idea, and I think it would be useful for me too, in the future.

Sunday, 30 March 2008

The very begining...

(First of all sorry for my bad english. I forgot almost everything since school, and i must re-remember it and practice, practice...)

So it happend. I just started my new Job and new way of career. Till 31 January 2008 i worked as a network administrator and help desk in a small firm. The old job was good for student because i had Lot of time, which helped with exams etc. but after i graduated, I found It little challenging. So i begun searching for a new one.
Then I was hired as a PL/SQL programmer, but that project went down from $$$ matters. In the meantime my new company had started QA team and searched for volunteers for it.
I tought that it will be an interesting way of career, so here I am. What can i say about my choice after only two months?
- lot to learn
- read howto's about selling a bug without answer "unable to reproduce"
- as for now i can still say that i work with superb people programmers and testers. All of them share their knowledge and I thank them for that!!! :D